Epilepsy Disorders A - Z
Organizations for Information, Support, Community and Research
The Rare Epilepsy Network has collected and compiled a list of foundations and support groups of many diseases including but not limited to epilepsy. REN has compiled this to streamline the process of finding resources related to a disease for patients and healthcare professionals. While most organizations are headquartered and bases in the United States, some also serve international constituencies.
None of the information provided by the Rare Epilepsy Network, including the identification of other organizations is intended as medical advice and should not be relied upon as a substitute for professional consultation with a qualified healthcare provider familiar with a patient's medical needs.
Disclaimer: The information about REN Member organizations and other organizations may change between annual updates. ​​​
​Email: info@rareepilepsynetwork.org to report any problems you encounter with the information posted below. Please note that listing these organizations on our website does not mean that we are endorsing them.
Organizations with a "*" listed next to them are REN Members​​