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(adopted March 2023)


The Listserv is provided by REN as a convenience to members who wish to participate in a professional forum. Robust discussion and sharing of information, resources, experiences and opportunities to advance the work of REN members is a high priority of REN. 


By using this Listserv, participants agree to comply with the following Rules and agree that their failure to do so may result in sanctions, up to and including removal from the Listserv or platform. 


To report a subscriber that violates these rules, please send an email to with the name of the Listserv as the email's subject, the email address of the user in question, the text of the messages you are reporting in the email body, and the specific nature of your concern. Complaints will be promptly reviewed by the Coordinating Committee and managed. 


For questions about the listserv, contact:




  1. Exercise common courtesy. The Listserv is meant to stimulate conversation, not to create contention. Use brevity and diplomacy in communications to be respectful of other Listserv subscribers. Personal attacks, derogatory language, or disrespectful behavior will not be tolerated. 

  2. Avoid off-topic posting. The Listserv is intended for distributing topic-related information that the list members as a group might benefit from sharing. Requests for and the sharing of advice and resources is encouraged. 

  3. Avoid "me too," "thanks for the information," and other personal replies that should be directed to specific individuals, rather than to the entire list. Use your e-mail application's forwarding option and type or cut and paste the e-mail address of the individual to whom you want to respond.

  4. Do not include images or attachments unless necessary.

  5. Do not collect names or email addresses to be used for contacting any participant outside the Listserv. Further, listserv emails should not be forwarded to a third party without the author’s permission. 

  6. State concisely and clearly the specific topic of your comments in the subject line. Include citations and sources where possible. 

  7. Include a signature tag on your messages so that you can be immediately recognized by the community. A signature tag should include your full name, affiliation, and location.

  8. Do not send administrative messages such as "Remove me from the list" through the Listserv. Please use the unsubscribe button in the footer of each e-mail.

  9. Avoid commercial solicitations.  The listserv should not be used for commercial purposes, including all advertising, marketing, solicitation of business, vending, attempting to sell or promote products or services, or providing legal or medical guidance. 

  10. Limit self-promotion. While members are encouraged to share their work and efforts, please avoid excessive self-promotion. The Listserv should not be used as a personal blog.

  11. Listserv emails should not be forwarded to a third party without the author’s permission. 

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